Tri-State Genealogical Society

Is Ancestry DNA Worth It?

Over the years, I’ve heard a lot of chatter about AncestryDNA kits. As a historian and genealogist, I’ve had curiosity about these kits. How effective are they? What kind of information do you learn? And just how is this DNA collected? When my older sister gifted my mom an AncestryDNA+Traits kit for Christmas, I was ecstatic. Finally, many of my DNA questions would be answered. Now that my mom’s results have been returned, I’m excited to share a bit about the process with you!


For starters, let’s discuss the two different DNA kits that Ancestry currently offers. The first, more basic (and therefore cheaper) option includes your origins and ethnicity–where you’re from–plus any DNA matches you have, which is anyone who’s also taken a DNA test and shares your DNA. With the more expensive, advanced option, you’ll get all of that plus traits. Traits is where Ancestry assesses your DNA and shares more about any traits that may be passed down from your parents, like whether you’re prone to nap or have a cleft chin. You will need an active Ancestry account to access this information, but there was an offer included with my mom’s kit to get a 3 month Ancestry subscription for just $1 (score!). Which option is better? Either one offers interesting information, but I’m personally a fan of the traits, which is the kit my mom used. It was fascinating to discover how her DNA has helped shape her personality, and while every trait wasn’t exactly spot-on, many of them were!


Just how easy is it to discover your origins, from over 2,600 regions? Pretty simple! My sister ordered the kit and then activated it by following the directions included with the box. My mom inserted her saliva sample into the little vial that was included (by the way, they didn’t need much saliva!) and there was a pre-paid label so that my mom didn’t have to pay return shipping. Even better, Ancestry texted my mom updates about her DNA sample, letting her know when it was going into testing and that her results would be ready soon. From start to finish, which was just a few weeks, the process seemed both stream-lined and efficient.


Once my mom’s DNA had been analyzed, she received a text message that her results were ready to view. We logged into her Ancestry account, and there her results were! There was a break-down of her ethnicity (apparently, she’s 44% Scottish!), plus she could see her DNA matches. There were tons of cousins–I’m talking thousands–included, and we were even able to see where these cousins lived, all over the US and world. Perhaps even more interesting, Ancestry had it broken down into how far removed these cousins were and listed just how much DNA (by percent) these cousins share with my mom.

Since my mom had the DNA+Traits kit, we were able to view the traits she has, which was broken down into her maternal and paternal side. Although not all of the traits were 100% accurate, many of them were true or at least incredibly close. While the traits isn’t exactly necessary, I will say it’s really fascinating.


After learning a bit more about Ancestry DNA, you may still be wondering–is the cost worth it? While everyone has different standards, my mom said that learning more about her DNA was one of the most exciting, cool things she’s ever done. And when it comes down to the more basic or advanced (DNA+Traits) options, I’d definitely say shell out the extra $20 bucks to learn your traits!

Plus, while AncestryDNA is normally $99 and AncestryDNA+Traits is usually $119 (pricing current as of March 2024), chances are you won’t have to pay that much. If you’re part of the Ancestry email list, you’ll likely receive special DNA test kit offers throughout the year, which could save you up to $50 (or more) dollars. Especially keep an eye out around holidays, as that’s normally when these money-saving offers are sent out!

Although AncestryDNA may not be for everyone, I can say that seeing my mom’s results–and her excitement–has inspired my dad and I to order are own AncestryDNA+Traits kit. (We’re currently waiting for them to arrive, and I’m ecstatic to soon learn more about my ethnicity!) So if you’re feeling adventurous and curious about your family heritage, I’d definitely recommend you give AncestryDNA a try. The results you find just might surprise you!

Keep the History Alive!

DISCLAIMER: This article has not been funded by and does not necessarily reflect the views of Tri-State Genealogical Society (TSGS) or the TSGS staff.

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