
February 3, 2025
Hello Fellow Family Researchers,
It’s been a minute since I last shared with you! As you well know, life gets in the way of one of our favorite activities: researching our family. Back in July 2024, I shared the beginning of my story of searching for the line of my 2x great grandfather, John O’Bryan. I had the intention of continuing this saga each month for you, but as fall progressed and holidays were upon us, I found myself not only having little time for my research, but also not having a clear plan of how to find out more about this line of my family.
Next, a confession: I bought a Y-DNA test a year ago for my first cousin to take, but we never got together for him to take the test. Y-DNA stands for Y-chromosome DNA, which is DNA found on the Y chromosome. Y-DNA is passed down from father to son and is only found in males. Y-DNA changes very slowly over time, so men share similar Y-DNA with their fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers. These tests can be used to determine if two men with the same surname are related. So, since this line of my family is my Mom’s father’s line, I needed someone that descended male to male. The cousin that I wanted to test is the son of my Mom’s oldest brother. My Mom is the last living child of my grandparents.
Finally, on Christmas day, my cousin and his family were at my house, and I had to convince him to not eat or drink for 60 whole minutes. If you had seen all of the food we had available on that day, you would be surprised that I succeeded! Next week, I will begin to share with you the next step on this journey.
Talk to you soon!

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