About Us

For 47 years, Tri-State Genealogical Society has helped researchers through education at seminars and workshops, through monthly meetings, and through The Tri-State Packet with articles on resources and methods enabling researchers to go back successive generations on their journeys through time. We’ve purchased books, microfilms, and other research materials which are available at Willard Library to further the research for both members and non-members alike. Our dedicated volunteers give many hours of their free time, unpaid, to ensure that the work of the society continues to uphold the high standards set by the founders of the organization.

Our History

The Tri-State Genealogical Society was formed in 1977 to educate, inform, and promote genealogy. Its informal partnership with Willard Library began almost from the beginning with an agreement to donate books and materials purchased by the Society to Willard Library. The library’s director, Don Baker, had a strong background in Indiana history and was hired to help establish Willard Library as a destination for genealogists. Forty years later, aided largely by the efforts of TSGS, Willard Library has established a reputation as one of the top three genealogical libraries in Indiana and a hub for researchers of Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky history and genealogy. The links below provide a more detailed history of TSGS and the people who contributed to the growth of the Society.

The formation of the Tri-State Genealogical Society and how Willard Library became involved, as related by Don Baker, former director of Willard Library. (Click on link to open pdf file.)

The Packet Special 40th Anniversary Issue

Read the Special 40th Anniversary issue of the TSGS Packet. Click on the link below or download to your computer.

Don Baker’s Remarks Read at 40th Anniversary Celebration

The first 30 years of TSGS written by Mary Lou Bevers, as printed in The Tri-State Packet.

30th Anniversary History of TSGS by Mary Lou Bevers

Slideshow for (and including) the 40th Anniversary Celebration, April 2018.

2018 40th Anniversary Celebration Slide Show

Mission Statement

The purpose of The Society is to promote and stimulate knowledge and interest in the study of genealogy, to provide an opportunity for exchange of information among members, to provide educational programs and workshops, and to assist members in genealogical research. (Article II A, Purpose, from The Bylaws of the Tri-State Genealogical Society, Inc., as amended and approved on September 11, 2001, and published March 2002; revised and approved by membership, 12 November 2019)

Society Information

Membership: Anyone interested in the genealogy and history of Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky is invited to join. The membership year runs from July 1 to June 30. Annual dues are currently $20.00 for either an individual or family living at the same address. Persons included in family memberships will enjoy all of the privileges of the Society. For additional information, email president.tsgs24@gmail.com. 2013 was the last year The Tri-State Packet was sent by mail. From 2014 to Fall 2020, The Packet was published digitally and sent to members at their email addresses. Although the quarterly publication has ended, the Society will continue to accept new, unpublished articles for its website. See Article Submissions below.

Meetings are held in-person and via live-streaming on the second Tuesday of each month (excluding July and August) at 6:00 p.m.,  at Willard Library, 21 First Avenue, Evansville, Indiana, in the Browning Gallery in the lower level. All meetings are open to the public. Head to the Events Page to stay up-to-date on upcoming events.

Willard Library has an extensive collection of genealogical and historical books, microfilm and internet subscriptions. The Special Collections Department concentrates on sources pertaining to the Tri-State area, but also has material on most other states. The Society deposits all acquired and purchased books, donated family files and other data in the library for the use of members and patrons.

Article Submissions: The Tri-State Genealogical Society still accepts previously unpublished material for inclusion on its website. Written submissions in Word format and photographs or illustrations at 300 dpi in jpg format are preferred, and may be emailed to: tsgs.webmaster@gmail.com. Please be aware of copyrights when submitting any information. Family group sheets, advertisements and flyers for published works will not be accepted for inclusion on the website.


The Tri-State Genealogical Society and the IT-Coordinator and/or staff assume no responsibility for errors of fact or judgment on the part of the contributor. Established errors will be corrected at the earliest possible opportunity on the tsgspaddlewheel.com website.


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