Become a Member

Membership includes those interested in genealogy and family history research.

Our society members range from those with no experience to well seasoned researchers.

Benefits of Membership:
We offer the opportunity to work with those who can share their experience and research techniques.

The monthly meetings have educational programs that explore available resources and help develop research techniques and improve skills.

The ‘Members Only’ area of our web site provides original materials and resources from the tri-state area, many of which are not available elsewhere, in addition to links to other Societies.

Annual Membership begins July 1st and ends June 30th of the following year at a cost of $20.00. One membership will cover an individual or a family using the same email address.
Use the form below to join using PayPal for an additional $1.00 surcharge.

If you prefer to mail in your payment, please download the Membership Application form and mail it in with a check for $20.00 payable to TSGS to:

Tri-State Genealogical Society
c/o Willard Library
21 First Avenue
Evansville IN 47710
