Looking for historical photos of the Tri-State and surrounding areas throughout history? If so, you’re in luck! Below, you’ll find historical photos ranging from people and towns to businesses and the military. The photos–courtesy of Willard Library Archives–are shown in sets of two (and the photos aren’t necessarily related to each other, as they may be different topics, eras, etc.). So if you’re interested in photos from the 1860s and 1910s to the 1940s and 1960s, keep scrolling!

Above (L to R): A boy’s choir at an unidentified church, circa 1910 to 1920; A baptism along Evansville’s riverfront, circa 1920s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): The interior of Assumption Catholic Church, undated; Agoga Tabernacle located at 318 SE Fourth St., circa 1920. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (Both Images): These images show condemned houses at Pigeon Creek, dated 1957. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (Both Images): These images show condemned houses at Pigeon Creek, dated 1957. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): A child rides a tricycle, potentially along SE First St., circa late 1800s or early 1900s; A lady poses with her bicycle, photo dated 1890s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Unknown lady tending her World War I-era community garden; An individual rings a bell for The Salvation Army, photo dated 1951. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Wally Bishop, creator of “Muggs & Skeeter” comic strip, photo dated 1936; “Wildfire” Anderson, baseball pitcher, had this photo taken at Bosse Field in 1921. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Sydnor “Pop” Carter, who served as Fire Chief under three Evansville mayors, c. 1890s; Conrad Baker, Evansville resident from 1841-1867, was governor of Indiana 1867-1873, c. 1860. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Civil War veterans are in front of a monument at the Gibson County Courthouse, c. 1910; Civil War veterans are on the steps of the Coliseum, c. 1931. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Charity Club members are at camp on the grounds of the salt pool, c. early 1900s; Men (some of whom were from Evansville) arrive at Camp Shelby on April 6, 1941. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Alice Gresham Dodd, the mother of James Bethel Gresham who has become known as the first American soldier to die in World War I, c. 1921; Isabel (Seitz) Dawn was a graduate of Evansville (Central) High School but later became an actress in Hollywood and a performer on Broadway, photo dated June 29, 1928. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Dr. Anna Cluthe, the first female dentist in Southwestern Indiana, photo dated 1969; Emily Orr Clifford, a civic leader and member of first Board of Trustees at Evansville College, c. 1920. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Visitors view the bears at Mesker Park Zoo’s first den, photo dated 1929; An alligator rests by the pool at Mesker Park Zoo, c. 1935. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): The racetrack and grandstand at Dade (Ellis) Park, c. 1928; The grandstand at Dade (Ellis) Park as it’s crowded with spectators, c. 1923. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Horses pull implements during the construction of Dade (Ellis) Park, c. 1922; The grandstand at Dade (Ellis) Park during construction, c. 1922. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Lady Astor race horse with jockey J. Owens at Dade (Ellis) Park, c. 1922; An unidentified race horse at Dade (Ellis) Park racetrack, c. 1920s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): This Doughboy statue at Sunset Park served as a memorial for World War I soldiers, c. 1920s; Students enjoy a field day at Bosse Field, c. 1921. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Swimming pool at Cook’s Park, c. 1915; Burdette Park, c. July 1944. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): The baseball team at Enlow Field, c. 1920; Field day exercises at Bosse Field, c. 1920. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Willard Library, c. 1908; Willard Library, c. 1950s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Children’s room on lower level of Willard Library, c. October 25, 1944; Willard Carpenter, philanthropist and founder of Willard Library. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Nurses at Walker Sanitarium watch as a doctor operates on a patient, c. late 19th to early 20th century; Graduating nurses of the 1916 class at Walker Sanitarium, c. 1916. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Addition to St. Mary’s Hospital, c. 1922; Elevator installation at St. Mary’s Hospital, c. January 28, 1966. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Marine Hospital, c. 1894; Marine Hospital building, taken the year the hospital closed, c. June 2, 1947. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): The main operating room at Deaconess Hospital, c. 1925; Gilbert Hospital, located at Harriet and Michigan Streets, c. 1897-1910. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): The x-ray department at Deaconess Hospital, c. 1928; Children’s ward at Boehne Hospital, c. 1935. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): A crowd gathers to view flooding at the foot of Main Street that intersects with Water Street (now River Drive), c. 1913; Sandbags are placed along the railroad tracks, c. 1945. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): A view of the airport not long after flood water crested, c. 1937 flood; An aerial view of downtown which, though located closer to the Ohio River, had much of its commercial district spared from being under water, c. 1937 flood. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Fourth and Mulberry Streets, with Wheeler School at right, c. 1937 flood; L & N Railroad Station on Fulton Avenue and near Ohio River, c. 1937 flood. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Individuals inside the Coliseum (Red Cross Headquarters during crisis) seek flood assistance, c. 1937 flood; West Franklin Street, as viewed from bridge, c. 1937 flood. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): A dog is passed through a window during a rescue operation, c. 1937 flood; The Alhambra Theater, c. 1937 flood. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): The Graham brothers are in a Graham-Paige automobile for the Graham Day Parade, c. Nov. 20, 1928; The Evansville Courier and Journal float in the Graham Day Parade, c. Nov. 20, 1928. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Benjamin Bosse (Evansville’s mayor) is far right as he campaigns in Princeton, Indiana, for the Democratic presidential candidate James M. Cox, c. 1920; After the 19th Amendment allows women the right to vote, females cast their ballot in their first election, c. 1920. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): The Chamber of Commerce parade float passes by Main Street in celebration of Evansville’s centennial, c. May 1947; A float commemorating the Evansville-Henderson bridge is featured in the Evansville centennial parade, c. May 1947. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): A view of Mulberry Street at Riverside Drive at a blizzard, c. 1918; A look at 200 block of Main Street after a blizzard, c. 1918. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Mobs congregate at Main and Fire Streets as police arrive to raid a bingo game, c. June 11, 1945; Mobs turn over a police car on Main Street after a raid on a bingo game, c. June 11, 1945. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): An aviation show at the tri-state fairgrounds, c. June 1911; A float in the Armistice Day parade, c. 1918. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): The St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery’s entrance, c. 1996; The lily pond at St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery, c. early 1900s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): A view of the Oak Hill Cemetery grounds, c. 1870s to 1880s; The Oak Hill Cemetery residence and office building, built in 1864 before being razed in 1899. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): The Whirlpool Corporation main entrance and office building, c. 1956 to 1960; A view of the Whirlpool Corporation’s plant, c. 1960. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): International Harvester manufactured refrigerators in the former Republican Aviation plant in 1940s and 1950s, before Whirlpool occupied the building; A view of the International Harvester/Whirlpool Corporation, looking east-southeast in 1946. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Carpenter Monument. Monument of Willard Carpenter, founder of Willard Library (d. 1883), in Oak Hill Cemetery, photo dated October 10, 1996; Boehne Monument. John W. Boehne, Sr., was mayor of Evansville from 1905-1908 and later served as U. S. Congressman. Monument is in the Lutheran Cemetery, photo taken c. 1980. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): James Bethel Gresham’s Grave. Photo taken in France by the New York Times on January 7, 1918, two months after Gresham’s death. He is now buried in Locust Hill Cemetery; Denby Monument. Charles Denby was a Civil War Union Army officer, U. S. Minister to China, and was involved in the creation of Willard Library–buried at Oak Hill Cemetery after his death in 1904. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Oak Hill Cemetery, View of cemetery grounds, c. 1870s-1880s; Locust Hill Cemetery, Belfry, early 1900s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Oak Hill Cemetery, Civil War soldiers burial section, photo dated 1911; Oak Hill Cemetery, Entrance gate, c. 1909. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Auto Club, Old Darmstadt Rd. (east of Clear Crest Club), c. 1919; American Legion, Funkhouser Post, First District. Some of the members identified in the first row are Richard Waller, Morris Levi, Louis Roberts, and Arthur Stone, c. 1930. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Boy Scouts of America, Scouts eating watermelon, probably at Camp Ribeyere near New Harmony, c. 1920s; Boy Scouts of America, Evansville scouts at Camp Ribeyere near New Harmony, 1920s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Eagles Club, NW Fifth St., c. 1910; Country Club, Club house and tennis court, photo dated 1907. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Evansville Country Club, Club House, c. 1930; Evansville Light Guards, Organization of Civil War veterans (1876-1883); the only man identified is William Warren, sitting in the front row, second from right. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Germania Maennerchor, N. Fulton Ave., c. 1920 and Germania Maennerchor, Women’s division, 1925 (photo from a souvenir book commemorating the organization’s 25th anniversary). Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Germania Maennerchor, Men’s chorus and board of directors, 1925 (photo from a souvenir book commemorating the organization’s 25th anniversary); Junior League, Two members (identified as Mann and Barger) stand next to armor display at the Evansville Museum of Arts and Science, c. late 1950s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Junior League, Charity Ball attendees, photo dated 1959; Junior League, Unidentified members standing in front of the new Evansville Museum of Arts and Science shortly after it was built in the late 1950s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Masonic Temple, Members on steps of the Temple, c. 1920s-1930s; Rotary Club, Members on steps of the Temple, c. 1920s-1930s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Sons of Legion, Meeting at Mesker Park Zoo (Kay the Elephant at left rear), photo dated 1935; USO Center, Opening of the Crystal Ball Room, early 1940s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): USO Center, Photo probably taken at the official opening and dedication of the club on November 14, 1943. Seated in front row center are Rabbi Milton Greenwald, Mrs. Major William B. Parsons, and Major William B. Parsons (Shane 12); USO Center, Unidentified soldier trying on slippers, c. 1943-1945. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): USO Center, Unidentified group, including soldiers, outside the “Hotel DeLuxe Bachelors Suite” at the club, c. 1943-1945; USO Center, Rabbi Milton Greenwald presiding over “Queen of the Month” ceremony (soldier and woman unidentified), c. 1943. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): USO Center, Soldiers and guests relaxing in lounge, c. 1943; USO Center, Former C&EI Railroad depot–served as local USO headquarters during World War II–c. 1945. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): USO Center, Soldiers reading in center’s library during World War II, photo dated November 20, 1943; YMCA, Under construction, c. 1913. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): YMCA, Auditorium, early 1900s; YMCA, Lobby, c. 1915. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): YMCA, Bowling alley, c. 1915; YMCA, Fourth and Sycamore Sts. (location of organization from 1890 to 1914), photo dated 1907. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): YWCA, Under construction, c. mid-1920s; YWCA, Swimming pool, c. 1920s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Red Spot Company, Young girl gazes at Christmas window display, photo dated 1951; Rose Bowl Lanes, c. 1950s-early 1960s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Saloon, NW Third St.; operated by Peter H. Hammerstein, c. 1905; Sargeant Coal Company (Newburgh IN), Caption: “Coal delivered to Charles Lee by T. B. Anderson from Sargeant Coal Co.,” early 1900s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Sawmill, Probably the West Side; c. late 1800s – early 1900s; Schear’s Department Store, 21 SE Fourth St., c. 1940s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Schmitz & Fendrich, c. 1880; Servel Inc.,Unidentified women showing off new refrigerator; c. 1950s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Servel Inc., Servel Concert Band, c. 1946; Servel Inc., Group of men standing in front of the company’s main office, c. 1930s-1940s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Servel Inc., Refrigeration plant, c. 1946; Servel Inc., Company executives introducing “The First Servel Water Heaters,” photo dated May 7, 1946. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Company, c. 1930s; Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Company. Employees in office, photo dated 1910. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): St. George Hotel. Photo taken c. 1915, shortly before the building was razed to make room for the McCurdy Hotel on SE First St.; Standard Brick Company, c. 1915. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Servel Inc., Robinette Wood (left) and Lula Forston clean and examine compressor parts, photo dated April 4, 1956; Servel Inc.. Sign reads: “Just arrived in Bismarck first carload of 1937…Servel Electrolux the gas refrigerator.” Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Ingle Coal Company, located on Reitz Hill, photo dated 1901; International Harvester, new building for the Motor Trucks division, c. 1920. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Korff Mine, owned by Henry Korff, Warrick County, early 1900s; Kratz Company. Founded by Christian Kratz (standing at right), the company was one of only two in the country to manufacture calliopes, late 1800s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Kresge Company, The S. S. Kresge store at 401-409 Main St., soon after its opening in 1948; Kresge Company, Interior of the S. S. Kresge Company at 401-409 Main St., soon after it opened in 1948. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Kruckemeyer & Cohn, Photo taken on December 9, 1937, as Santa waits on customers in the background; Kuester’s Hardware Store, 607 S. Weinbach, location of first Kuester’s store–chain founded in 1937. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Lahr’s Department Store, Later Shear’s Department Store at Fourth and Locust Sts., c. 1918; Lamasco Bank, Fulton Ave. at W. Franklin St., c. 1920. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Lincoln Bakery, Salesmen standing next to company vehicles, c. 1930s; Lincoln Bakery, Mixing machines used in the production of Butereg and Rye Breads, c. 1930s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Lincoln Hotel, 424 Main St., c. 1910; Magpie Restaurant, Corner of Clark and Carpenter Sts., c. 1950. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): McCurdy Hotel, Riverside Dr. entrance, photo taken shortly after hotel opened in 1917; Mead Johnson Company, photo dated 1935. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Melzer Soap Works, Located on Third Ave. between Maryland and Oregon Sts., photo dated late 1800s; Nagle’s Restaurant, Interior view, c. 1920s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Neitert Produce Company, Delivery vehicles, c. 1910; Nix Cafeteria, Interior of restaurant on NW Fourth St., c. 1950. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): North Side Bank, 100 N. Main St. (now an Old National Bank branch), c. 1943; O’Daniel Ranes Company, Used car lot at 106-108 SE Fifth St., c. early 1950s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Old State National Bank, 20-22 Main St., c. 1910; Parsons & Scoville Company 915-919 Main St., c. 1900. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Battle Creek’s first African American principal, 1968; An aerial view of Battle Creek, 1940. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): American Fire Apparatus, 1960; An aerial view of Battle Creek, circa 1958. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Battle Creek’s first black mayor; A wintry morning outside St. Thomas Episcopal Church in 1943. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Lakeview business district, circa 1943; A horse-drawn delivery wagon in front of the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. store at 777 N. Jefferson Ave. (Capital Avenue N.E.) in 1935. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Kellogg Co. semipro baseball team, 1930; Battle Creek Centennial Parade, 1931. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Brown and Swift Tire Co., circa 1920; Enquirer Evening News paper boys, circa 1918. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): World War One era Camp Custer base hospital, 1917; First doughboys arrive at Camp Custer in September 1917. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Two Civil War soldiers, George N. Quigg (buried at Cave Hill National Cemetery in Louisville, KY) a soldier of the 26th Kentucky Infantry, photo taken at Russellville, Kentucky (circa late 1862 or early 1863); An unidentified Union sergeant, photo taken at Louisville, Kentucky circa 1864-1866. Courtesy Kassidy’s Collection

Above (L to R) Battle Creek’s post office, circa 1913; Battle Creek’s firefighting equipment, circa 1912. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): An Olivet mail carrier, circa 1905; Battle Creek’s Main Street, circa 1905. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Grand Trunk station, circa 1896; Spaulding Schoolhouse, built in 1868. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R) :Haskell Home for Orphans, circa 1896; North Jefferson Avenue, circa 1915. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Darmstadt Community Orchestra, Directed by Professors Frank Adams and Harry Ball circa 1920s; Evansville Cadet Band, circa early 1900s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Club Trocadero, located on Highway 41 South between Evansville and Henderson, KY, photo dated February 23, 1982; Crystal Palace, 529 NW Fifth St., photo dated March 4, 1965. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Hitch’s Happy Harmonists, Dixieland jazz band that played during the 1920s to circa 1933–members identified as Stu Charles, Jab Zins, John McBryan, Bill Hahn, Dick Spindler, Art Felker, Jim Thompson, and Bud Lamey; Indian relics found in Evansville area, photo dated 1915. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Hoosier Gold Derby Boys directed by David Holzman (at drums). Some of the other members pictured are Jerry Bumb, Arnold Habbe, Dub Shofner, Aryin Lefever, Art Felker, and Beanie Barr (Baer?), circa 1928; A marionette class held at the WPA Community Center, photo dated 1936. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Mesker Amphitheatre under construction, circa 1951; Shrine Circus performance in the Coliseum (stage in the background), dated 1936. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): W9CHA Radio Station operated by Benjamin Biederwolf in his basement on S. Bedford Ave., circa 1930s; WPA Dance held at the Community Center, photo dated 1936. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Air Field, early Evansville airport, possibly the first one, which was located at Green River Rd. and Division St., photo dated 1919; Aviation Show, a biplane on display at the aviation show held at the Tri-State Fairgrounds in June 1911. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (top to bottom): Aviation Show, onlookers standing next to one of the models on display in the aviation show at the Tri-State Fairgrounds in June 1911; Dress Memorial Airport, “The Great Silver Fleet;” photo dated February 10, 1941. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Evansville Airport, crowd awaiting the arrival of Hopalong Cassidy in October 1956; Evansville Airport, view (looking north) of the runway before extension project–the road at left is Hwy. 41–circa 1940s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): City Hall, photo taken prior to 1916; Coliseum, attendees of furniture and stove market convention held in April 1921. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Courthouse and Jail, Rockport, IN, circa 1920s; Muncipal Market, looking south on First Ave. towards Pennsylvania St., circa 1920. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Old Vanderburgh County Jail, a guard on duty during the 1903 race riot; Old Vanderburgh County Jail, 1999. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Police Station, photo dated 1906; Post Office and Customs House, the kiosk in the foreground contained weather instruments, photo dated winter 1914. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Post Office and Customs house, postal employees, circa 1917; Post Office and Customs House, postal employees on the steps of the Post Office, circa 1917. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Vanderburgh County Courthouse, circa 1920s; Vanderburgh County Courthouse, looking northwest. The Coliseum is visible in the upper left corner, circa 1980s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): City National Bank, interior of bank (renamed National City, then Integra Bank) at 229 Main St., probably soon after it opened in 1914; Indiana Trust and Savings, 29 NW Fourth St. Renamed Morris Plan building c. 1916 when Indiana Trust moved across the street, circa 1915. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Lamasco Bank, 220 N. Fulton Ave. at West Franklin St., looking south towards Sterling Brewery in the distance (left), circa 1920; Main Street and Seventh Street, the Farmers Trust Company is on the corner. In the background at left is the F. W. Cook Brewery Company, circa 1920. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Main Street, 300 Block. Citizens Bank at Fourth and Main, soon after its construction in 1916. The building was Evansville’s first skyscraper and has also been named the Southern Securities Building and the Hilliard-Lyons Building; Main Street, 300 Block. From left are the Citizens National Bank (329 Main), Artes Jewelry Company (327), J. H. Schultz Shoe Store (325), and the Palace of Sweets (323), c. 1920. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Main Street, 400 Block. The newly-completed Old National Bank (left), which was used until 1969 when another building was erected at Fifth and Main. Two doors down is the new entrance to the Lincoln Hotel, c. 1916; Main Street, 400 Block. Buildings about to be demolished to make room for the new Old National Bank and extension of the Lincoln Hotel, c. 1914. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Main Street, 400 Block. Construction of Old National Bank’s third building, c. 1916; Main Street, 500 Block. Looking towards Fifth Street, the Victory Theater and Sonntag Hotel are in the distance, c. 1920. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Bement & Seitz Company, located at Water and Ingle streets (now 401 NW Riverside Dr.). The warehouse was built by Ragon Brothers c. 1906 and later occupied by Bement & Seitz Wholesale Grocers, photo dated 1937; Carnegie Library. Opened in December 1914 at 515 Cherry St. to serve African-Americans. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Courier and Press Building at 201 NW Second St., photo dated October 1985; Evans Hall. Built by Saleta Evans in 1879 and dedicated to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Also used as a venue for plays, political rallies, dances, and roller skating until it was razed in the early 1930s to make room for a new library. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Evansville Public Library Fifth and Locust Sts., c. 1940s; Furniture Building. Dedication ceremony for construction of Furniture Building (later named Court Building) at Fourth and Court Sts., photo dated October 8, 1909. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Gas Works. View from the roof of the Fulton Ave. Brewery, photo dated January 25, 1927; Howell Library and Hose House No. 7 located at 3012 Dearborn, photo dated 1923. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): George Rogers Clark Memorial under construction in Vincennes, IN, photo dated June 18, 1932; George Rogers Clark Memorial on the Wabash River in Vincennes, IN, dedicated on June 14, 1936. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Hulman Building. Located on NW Fourth and Sycamore Sts., this building was constructed for Central Union Bank in 1929 and in the 1930s it became the home of the Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Co.; I.O.O.F. Building on Main St., New Harmony, IN, c. early 1900s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): The James Bethel Gresham Memorial Home located on Wedeking Ave. adjacent to Garvin Park. It was built in the 1920s by the citizens of Evansville for Alice Gresham Dodd (far right in group), mother of James Bethel Gresham, the first American casualty in World War I; Sanderson Building at 116 1/2 NW First St., home of the Rose Bowl bowling alley and other small businesses, c. October 18, 1948. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): This photograph was taken in 1945, when the Skora Building was occupied by LST Shipyard personnel; Streetcar Garage at Water St. (taken from First St.), c. March 27, 1927. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Vanderburgh County Poor Farm, c. early 1900s; Weinbach and Lincoln Avenues, the new commercial building, c. January 1938. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Adam N. Adler Grocery Company, their display of products at Municipal Market, c. 1923; Adam N. Adler Grocery Company, their booth at Municipal Market, c. 1917. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Adam N. Adler Grocery Company, their booth at Municipal Market, c. 1923; Adam N. Adler Grocery Company, their display of products at Municipal Market, c. 1923. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Akin-Erskine Mill, c. 1900; American Fork & Hoe Company (Evansville Tool Works) at 1901 W. Maryland St, c. photo taken shortly before the flood of 1937. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): American Fork & Hoe Company (Evansville Tool Works), the office building at 1901 W. Maryland St., c. photo taken shortly before the flood of 1937; Anchor Supply Company, c. early 1960s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Bakery, photo taken by Ratliff of New Harmony, IN, c. early 1900s; Bakery, photo taken by Ratliff of New Harmony, IN, c. early 1900s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Benninghof Nolan Company, c. 1910; Bernardin Bottle Cap Company, the new building addition, c. 1918. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Blount Plow Works at Illinois and Main Sts., c. early 1900; Brickyard, probably located on city’s west side, c. early 1900s. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Briggs new warehouse, c. March 1939; Brown Derby Cottages & Grill at S. Kentucky Ave., c. 1937. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Bucyrus Erie Company employees engage in “industrial recreation,” c. 1919; Burkhart-Anderson Funeral Home at 400 Chandler Ave., c. 1920. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): U.S.A.C. Transport outside the Chrysler plant at 1625 N. Garvin, c. November 1951; Chrysler employees at Chrysler Corporation admiring the one millionth Plymouth automobile manufactured in Evansville (photographed by Edgar M. Greenwell), c. March 1953. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Citizens National Bank at Fourth and Main Sts., c. 1930; Citizens National Bank at 19 NW Fourth St., c. April 10, 1960. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Unidentified coal mine, c. 1909; Coffin Company, c. 1900. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): The F. W. Cook Company, Inc., was located at Seventh and Sycamore streets. Founded in 1853, the company closed in 1955, and the building was razed in the 1960s to make way for the Civic Center, c. May 26, 1964; Cooke Chevrolet Company, the used car lot at 1027 Main St., c. early 1950s. Courtesy Above (L to R): Cotton Mill, located near the present site of the Mead Johnson Co., c. 1894; Members of the Evansville Country Club fishing at the former cotton mill, which was incorporated into the Mead Johnson Company in 1915, c. about 1915. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Cotton Mill, located near the present site of the Mead Johnson Co., c. 1894; Members of the Evansville Country Club fishing at the former cotton mill, which was incorporated into the Mead Johnson Company in 1915, c. about 1915. Courtesy Willard Library Archives

Above (L to R): Crescent Furniture Company at 301 First Avenue, c. 1905; Crescent Furniture Company, c. 1907. Courtesy Willard Library Archives