TSGS is now accepting school class pictures to add to our latest page, and we want YOU to be a part of the fun! To submit your school class pictures, please follow the below parameters:
- Images must be from 1950 or earlier.
- Only class pictures are accepted. Photos of individuals will not be included.
- If possible, please list the year the photo was taken, as well as the school, city, state, and the teacher of the class.
- List the names of people you know. For females, please include their maiden name.
- Please include what name you want listed for a photo/information credit. You can share your first and last name (i.e., Photo Courtesy Jane Doe) or your first name and last initial (i.e., Photo Courtesy Jane D.).
- When you have a school class picture that you’re ready to submit, please email it to tsgs.webmaster@gmail.com. Please put “Class Pictures” in the subject line and include all pertinent information in the body of the email.

Muhlenberg County, Kentucky

Above: A Tooley School photo taken from Rosewood, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. The image is dated September 20, 1912. The picture includes the following children: front row (far left), Estil Skipworth; second row (2nd & 3rd girls on left), Edna and Beulah Skipworth; third row (far left), Lula Skipworth. All students mentioned by name are the children of Ross and Cordelia (Hodge) Skipworth. Photo/Information Courtesy Kassidy C.

Above: A Tooley School class picture that, while marked on this photograph as dating back to 1912, is designated in other places as being from 1913. The 1913 dates seems likely, as the previously listed photo has the year 1912 marked on a slate, with a completely different teacher pictured. In the second row (3rd over from right) is Estil Skipworth; also in second row (1st on left side) is Edna Skipworth; third row (1st from right) is Beulah Skipworth; also in third row (6th from right) is Lula Skipworth. All Skipworth children mentioned are the children of Ross and Cordelia (Hodge) Skipworth. Photo/Information Courtesy Kassidy C.
Webster County, Kentucky

Above: This is Grape Ridge School in Webster County, Kentucky. I believe the year to be about 1928. First Row W.N. (William Nathaniel) Smith 1921-2002 and Edward Lee Smith 1919-2010 are sons of Alvie Smith and Vivian Paddock Smith. Taylor Smith (Raymond Taylor Smith Jr.) 1919-1981 and Margaret Smith 1920-2004 are children of Raymond Taylor Smith Sr. & Julia K. Stanley Smith. Third Row: Effie Mae Wilson 1911-1998 married Clate Smith, and her brother Roy Louis Wilson 1913-1993 are children of John Wesley Wilson & Mary Elizabeth Harmon. It is said that their teacher third row, Ilyne Hall drowned in the Green River. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Onton, Webster County, Kentucky high school class of 1949. Back row on far right: James Herbert Smith (son of Alvie Smith & Vivian Paddock Smith). Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: This is Grape Ridge School in Webster County, Kentucky, 1915. In the back row is my grandmother, Vivan Paddock. She was the daughter of William Henry Paddock & Sarah Elizabeth Ashley. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Coming Soon–email your Indiana class pictures to tsgs.webmaster@gmail.com!

Hamilton County, Illinois

Above: This is Rally Hill School in Hamilton County, Illinois. 1939 or 1940 Front row 4th from right is Everett Hughes O’Bryan (incorrect spelling on bottom of picture.) 1928-1980. Son of John Marshall O’Bryan and Bessie Hughes O’Bryan. Photo/Information Courtesy Donna Ballard Brake

Above: Buckskin School and class photo, Hamilton County, Illinois, 21 September 1938 G. Wilson Teacher 2nd row, farthest to the right – Everett Hughes O’Bryan (son of John Marshall O’Bryan and Bessie Hughes O’Bryan) 1928-1985 Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Logansport School District #69 1939-1940. Hamilton County, Illinois. Logansport Dist. # 69 1939 – 1940. Teacher – Dale Wilson. Front row L-R: (1) Billy Wilson (2) Dawson Ballard (3) Edward Ballard (4) Carl Lee Prince (5) Glen Church (6) Charles Little (7) Bobbie Carr (8) Ralph Hampton. 2nd row: (1) Pauline Ballard (2) Mona Ballard (3) Mildred Ballard (4) Betty Morton (5) Elizabeth Thompson (6) Phyllis Ray (7) Nona Little (8) Shirley James (9) Mary Lee Brown. 3rd row: (1) Marvin Prince (2) Wilson Hampton (3) Dean Campbell (4) Creighton Hampton (5) Kenneth Little. Back row: (1) Dorothy Little (2) Margie Little (3) Ruby Hampton (4) Dale Wilson, Teacher (5) Cletus Hicks (6) Lloyd ‘Bud” Campbell. Photo/Information Courtesy Karlah Hutchcraft

Above: Hamilton County, Illinois. Logansport District # 69 abt. 1932 Teacher- Gene Thompson. Front Row L-R: (1) __? (2) Charles Williams 3) Eldon Hampton. Middle Row: : (1) Burtis Prince (2) ? (3) Pauline Abbot (4) ? (5) __? (6) Virginia Prince (7) Nada Jacobs (8) Ruby Hampton. Back Row: (1) Gene Thompson -teacher, (2) Katherine Abbot (3) _____Waters, (4) Charles Jacobs (5) Edward Hampton. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Helm School 1932-1933 (Hamilton County, Illinois). Teacher- Chester Kittenger. School was 1 mile west of Walpole. Back Row L-R: Stanley Williams, Dan Gray Jones, Chester Kittenger (Teacher). Middle Row: Ruth Burnett, Helen Burnett, Wanda LaVerne Hawkins, Martha Ann Lewis, Velva Clark, Lavada Ellis, Virginia Williams, Elizabeth Mezo. Front Row: Hugh Deen, _____Sinks, Curtis Deen Ogden, Joe Jones (with basketball), Leo Coffee, Paul Eugene “Red” Douglass, Jimmy Burnett. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Logansport School Hamilton County, Illinois about 1890. Row #1: #2 Lee Malone, #7 Joe Malone, #8 Thurman Malone. Row #2: #2 Iva Malone, #9 Jess Malone row #3-#2 Lum Malone, #4 Mark Malone, #5 Ed Malone. Photo/Information Courtesy: Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Wildcat or Young School, Broughton, Hamilton County, Illinois. Maymie Campbell #2. Minnie Hughes is #15. Ella Mae Hughes is #16. Nellie Campbell #17. Sheridan Campbell #18. Lyman Greer #20. Raymond Scott #22. Lillie Campbell #29. Rubie Scott #30. This school was also known as Young School. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Young School 1914 , Broughton, Hamilton County, Illinois. Chalon Campbell is 3rd from the left on the bottom row. Maymie Campbell is 3rd from the left on the top row. Sheridan Campbell is 2nd from the right on the top row. Nellie May Campbell is 3rd from the left on the middle row. Lillie Jane Campbell is 4th from the left on the middle row. Lyman Greer is 3rd from the right on the top row. Jack Lancell Greer is far right on the bottom row. Raymond D. Scott is 4th from the right on the top row. Rubie B. Scott is 2nd from the left on the middle row (dark hair) George W. Scott is far right on the middle row. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Young School 1924, Hamilton County, Illinois. Edith Campbell is on the far right on the 2nd row. Her brother Chalon Campbell is the 5th from the left on the back row. Euell Greer is 2nd from left on the first row. Ruby Greer is on the far right on the first row. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Young School sometime after 1925. Broughton, Hamilton County, Illinois. Ruby Greer is on the far left on the bottom row. Beulah Rose Greer is the 3rd from the left on the bottom row. Euell Greer is the 4th from the right on the top row. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Broughton School, Hamilton County, Illinois, April 1943. Marion Denton Faries is in the back row, 6th from the left (1930-1952, son of Willis Arlie Faries & Alta Ruth Curry Faries). He died in North Korea Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Front row L to R: 1. ____ Johnson, 2. _____ Vann, 3. Clifford Heil (son of Noel Heil & Rachel Bond), 4. [unknown], 5. Junior Johnson (son of Herman & Stella Johnson), 6. [unknown], 7. Jimmy Johnson (son of Herman & Stella Johnson). Second row L to R: 1-4 [unknown], 5. Shirley LeMaster (daughter of Walter & Ruie LeMaster), 6. Barbara Jean O’Bryan (daughter of John Marshall O’Bryan & Bessie Hughes O’Bryan), 7. Patsey Johnson (daughter of Herman & Stella Johnson). Back row L to R: 1.Vivian Heil (daughter of Noel Heil & Rachel Bond), 2-3 [unknown], 4. Teacher Miss Schneider, 5. [unknown], 6. Joan Johnson (daughter of Herman & Stella Johnson). Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Broughton, Hamilton Co, Illinois high school 1923. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Broughton School Hamilton Co, Illinois 1926. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst

Above: Broughton School. Broughton, Hamilton County, Illinois, 1943-1944. Jane Faries (far left on the front row). She was the daughter of Willis Arlie Faries & Alta Ruth Curry). Jane was born about 1937 in Illinois (legal name was Mildred Jane Faries). She later moved to Marshall, Missouri and married Ira Oeth.

Above: McLeansboro, Hamilton Co, Illinois, East Side Grade school 1948, 7th grade class. Mrs. Marie Threlkeld Elliott, Teacher. Shirley Ray was the daughter of Aultgeld Ray & Tessie Hughes Ray. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst
Franklin County, Illinois

Above: Logan School Franklin County, Illinois 1911. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst
White County, Illinois

Above: Springerton, Illinois High School (White County), October 1934. 2nd row, 2nd from right is Fred William O’Bryan 1920-1992, son of John Marshall O’Bryan & Bessie Hughes O’Bryan. 3rd row 3rd from right is Dorothy Mae O’Bryan 1918-1946, daughter of John Marshall O’Bryan & Bessie Hughes O’Bryan. Photo/Information Courtesy Kim Smith Van Vorst